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Good news in bad times
I once visited a vineyard in Belgium. At one time, it was the site of a tropical inland sea. And even longer ago, the ground was permanently frozen because of the Ice Age. That history now ensures fertile ground: the grapes grow well. The winegrower benefits from these climate changes. But climate changes that we ourselves cause should be prevented as much as possible. That is why Bpf Koopvaardij is investing in the environment, e.g. in clean energy and water management. Those who think: good, but that reduces return, are wrong. Without taking any major risks, our 'green' investments make money. I would like to tell you more about it, as well as about the new pension system. Unfortunately, we cannot organise any large meetings for the time being because of coronavirus. The fact that we have not seen each other (live) for so long is a loss. Fortunately, there is also good news about last year: our pension fund did well in 2020. Our assets have increased and the funding ratio is hovering around 115%. This means that we can gradually start considering indexing pensions again. So that's good news, just like your rating for Bpf Koopvaardij: 8.3. I hope to see you again soon!
ERWIN CRAMER Director, Bpf Koopvaardij Management Division